battle of finschhafen

Trekking Through History: The Battle of Finschhafen and its Connection to the Kokoda Campaign


Embarking on the challenging Kokoda Track, trekkers are not only immersing themselves in the rugged beauty of Papua New Guinea but also stepping onto hallowed ground with a rich tapestry of wartime history. One pivotal chapter in this narrative is the Battle of Finschhafen, a critical engagement that unfolded on the Huon Peninsula in 1943. In this article, we will delve into the key events surrounding the Battle of Finschhafen and its significant connection to the broader Kokoda Campaign.

The Huon Peninsula Campaign

Prelude to Finschhafen

The Huon Peninsula Campaign, a crucial theater in the Southwest Pacific Area during World War II, witnessed intense battles and strategic maneuvers. As Australian forces advanced towards Finschhafen, they played a pivotal role in shaping the outcome of the broader conflict.

The Landing at Scarlet Beach

Capturing the Coastal Stronghold

On 22nd September 1943, Australian forces executed a daring landing at Scarlet Beach, marking the beginning of the Battle of Finschhafen. This beachhead served as a launching pad for subsequent offensives and played a vital role in the Australian advance on Finschhafen.

The Australian Forces: 20th Infantry Brigade

Leading the Charge

At the forefront of the Battle of Finschhafen was the 20th Infantry Brigade. Comprising battalions such as the 22nd Infantry Battalion, they faced formidable Japanese forces in their quest to capture Finschhafen and secure the Huon Peninsula.

The Japanese Defense

Formidable Adversaries

The Japanese defenders, well entrenched around Finschhafen, presented a formidable challenge. The Huon Peninsula became a battleground where Australian and Japanese forces clashed in a struggle for dominance.

The Capture of Finschhafen

Turning the Tide

As the Australian forces pushed inland, the capture of Finschhafen became a crucial milestone. The 20th Brigade’s relentless efforts and strategic maneuvers played a pivotal role in securing this key objective.

Connection to the Kokoda Campaign

The Larger Picture

The Battle of Finschhafen was not an isolated event; rather, it was part of the Huon Peninsula Campaign, which, in turn, had connections to the broader Kokoda Campaign. The capture of Finschhafen had strategic implications, impacting the overall dynamics of the conflict.

Beyond Finschhafen: Sattelberg and Beyond

Continuing the Momentum

Following the capture of Finschhafen, Australian forces continued their advance towards Sattelberg. The 20th Infantry Brigade, now with reinforcements, played a crucial role in sustaining the momentum gained at Finschhafen.

Legacy and Remembrance

Honoring Sacrifice

The Battle of Finschhafen holds a significant place in Australian military history. Today, the Australian War Memorial stands as a testament to the courage and sacrifice of those who fought in this campaign.


Walking in the Footsteps of Heroes

As trekkers embark on the Kokoda Track, the echoes of the Battle of Finschhafen reverberate through the dense jungles and rugged landscapes. Understanding the historical context of this pivotal battle enriches the trekking experience, allowing participants to appreciate the courage and resilience of those who traversed these challenging terrains in the name of freedom.


Q: What was the Battle of Finschhafen?

A: The Battle of Finschhafen was a significant battle in the New Guinea campaign of World War II, where Australian troops fought against Japanese forces in the area around Finschhafen, New Britain, in October 1943.

Q: What was the connection between the Battle and the Kokoda Campaign?

A: The Battle of Finschhafen was part of the broader New Guinea campaign and had a strategic connection to the Kokoda Campaign, as it involved the Australian 20th Brigade advancing on the Japanese forces along the coast east of Lae, capturing strategic points such as Sattelberg Road and Langemak Bay. It was a critical phase in the overall campaign to push the Japanese off the island.

Q: What were the key locations or features involved in the Battle?

A: The battle involved significant locations such as Bumi River, Lae, Scarlet Beach, Markham and Ramu Valleys, and Sattelberg, which were important in the strategic positioning and movement of Australian and Japanese forces during the conflict.

Q: How did the Australian 20th Brigade contribute to the Battle?

A: The Australian 20th Brigade played a pivotal role by engaging Japanese troops, repelling their attacks, and capturing key locations, ultimately contributing to the success of the battle and the broader campaign in the region.

Q: What were the main objectives of the Japanese forces in the area during the Battle?

A: The main Japanese objectives were to defend their positions and disrupt the advancing Australian troops, as well as to maintain control over key areas such as the coastal flank and the Bumi River, which were vital for their strategic plans in the region.

Q: How did the Australian naval base play a role at Finschhafen?

A: The Australian naval base provided crucial support for the Australian troops, enabling the transportation of supplies, reinforcements, and equipment essential for the success of the battle against the Japanese forces in the region.

Q: What significant events occurred at Finschhafen?

A: Significant events included the Australian capture of strategic points along the coast, the repelling of Japanese attacks, and the overall successful advancement of the Australian 20th Brigade, leading to the eventual capture of Sattelberg and the securing of the area.

Q: How did the Battle impact the broader New Guinea campaign?

A: The success in the Battle of Finschhafen provided a significant strategic advantage for the Allies in the New Guinea campaign, laying the groundwork for further operations to push back the Japanese forces and secure key territories in the region.

Q: What were the dates of the Battle?

A: The battle took place between September 22, 1943, and October 26, 1943, with intense fighting and strategic maneuvers occurring during this period.

Q: How was the Japanese attack along the coast repelled during the Battle of Finschhafen?

A: The Australian 20th Brigade, supported by naval and air units, effectively defended against the Japanese attack, utilizing their strategic positioning and firepower to repel the enemy forces and maintain their advance along the coastal areas.

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