Kokoda Packing List

Kokoda Gear List – Clothing and Equipment for the Kokoda Track

Embarking on the adventure of trekking the Kokoda Track in Papua New Guinea is an experience that requires thorough preparation. One of the crucial aspects of preparation is creating a comprehensive packing list to ensure you have everything you need for a successful and enjoyable journey. In this guide, we’ll break down the essential items you should consider packing, with a focus on comfort, safety, and the unique challenges posed by the Kokoda Trail.

Clothing and Equipment
Hiking Boots with Ankle Support

Your choice of footwear is paramount on the Kokoda Track. Opt for sturdy hiking boots with ankle support to navigate the rugged terrain comfortably. Break them in before your trek to avoid blisters and discomfort.

Clothing and Sleeping Gear

Pack lightweight, moisture-wicking clothing suitable for the hot and humid conditions along the track. Long pants and a tracksuit are advisable to protect against leeches and other elements. Bring a set of clothes to wear around camp and ensure you have suitable sleeping gear, including a sleeping bag for cooler nights.

Waterproof Gear

Given the unpredictable weather, waterproof items are essential. Include a waterproof backpack cover, a poncho, and zip lock plastic bags to keep your belongings dry during sudden downpours or while crossing creeks.

Trekking Poles

Trekking poles provide stability and support, especially during steep ascents and descents. They help distribute the workload, reducing strain on your knees and legs.

Day Pack

Carry a daypack for shorter excursions along the Kokoda Trail. It should be large enough to hold your essentials for the day, including water, snacks, and a first aid kit.

Health and Safety
Malaria Prevention

Papua New Guinea is a malaria-endemic area, so consult with your healthcare professional for suitable malaria medication prior to travel. Additionally, use water purification tablets to ensure the water you consume is safe.

First Aid Kit

A well-equipped first aid kit is crucial. Include band-aids, blister treatment, strapping tape, foot powder, and any personal medications you may require. Your safety and well-being are of utmost importance.

Personal Porter

Consider hiring a personal porter to carry the bulk of your belongings, allowing you to focus on the trek itself. This is a common practice and can significantly alleviate the physical strain on trekkers.

Practical Considerations
Backpack and Weight Management

Choose a large backpack suitable for hiking, with a maximum weight of 16kg. Pack wisely, prioritizing essentials and adhering to weight restrictions. Ensure your main compartment is reserved for items that you want to keep dry.

Toiletries and Personal Items

Pack a basic toiletry kit, including items like toothpaste, soap, and insect repellent. Bring a thong or comfortable sandals to wear around camp and a pair of socks to help keep your feet dry.

History of the Kokoda

Familiarize yourself with the history of the Kokoda Track and the Owen Stanley Range. This knowledge adds depth to your journey, enhancing the overall experience.

Prior to Departure
Travel Logistics

Handle visa applications and contact the PNG consulate for any necessary information. Arrange suitable travel insurance and ensure you are aware of COVID-related requirements and restrictions.

Communication and Support

Carry a mobile phone with a waterproof cover for emergency communication. Know the evacuation procedures and have a plan in case of medical emergencies.


Developing the ultimate Kokoda Track packing list requires careful consideration of the unique challenges posed by this historic trail. By prioritizing safety, comfort, and preparation, you’ll be better equipped to tackle the demanding yet rewarding journey that awaits you along the Kokoda Trail. If you have any specific questions or concerns, please contact us – we’re here to help you prepare for an unforgettable adventure.

Kokoda Track Checklist
Travel Documents:

·         Your own passport

·         A visa for entry into PNG

·         Medical Certificate


·         Own transport to Port Moresby from your home city and return.

Luggage and Gear:

·         Day pack and pack covers

·         Excess baggage (limit 20kg allowed).

·         Sleeping bag liner & mattress.

·         Basic eating utensils (plate, bowl, cup, knife, fork spoon).

·         2.5 ltr water hydration pack; 1 water bottle.

·         Zip lock bags – small & large , and Dry bags

·         Self-inflating mattress or sleeping pad.

·         Waterproof plastic bags or dry sack (to keep your clothing and other items dry within your backpack).

·         Camera (ensure you have plenty of memory and spare batteries).


·         Personal clothing including Quick Dry Clothing, Gaiters, hiking pants, hiking shoes 

·         Spare shoe laces.

·         Knee guards.

Food and Snacks:

·         Trek snacks.

·         Packet of electrolyte (for rehydration if necessary).

·         Ural.

·         Water purification tablets.

·         Soft lollies – Jelly beans, snakes, extra.

·         Hard lollies – barley sugar, mints.

·         Mixed nuts/fruit bag.

·         Muesli bars.

·         2 x Condensed milk tubes.

·         Treats – block of chocolate, peanut butter, tin tuna, marshmallows, etc.

·         Mocha/Latte packets.

Personal Care and First Aid:

·         Personal Travel Insurance.

·         Personal Care and First Aid items.

·         Sunscreen & insect repellents.

·         Small bath gel/soap.

·         Small shampoo/conditioner.

·         Deodorant.

·         Small moisturiser.

·         2 x Gatorade/staminade/powerade.

·         Gu – energy gel (box) from Rebel sports.

·         Berocca.

·         Gastrolyte.

·         Malaria tablets (doctor).

·         Anti-inflammatory tablets (doctor).

·         Antibiotics (doctor).

·         Panadine forte (doctor).

·         Nurofen.

·         Cold & flu tablets.

·         Voltaren gel tube.

·         Laxatives.

·         Gastro-stop (opposite to laxative).

·         Water purification tablets.

·         Vaseline.

·         Betadine.

·         Mosquito repellent.

·         Bandaids & Blister pack.

·         Strapping tape.

·         Sun cream.

·         Scissors/tweezers kit.

·         2 x Hand Sanitizer.

·         Toothpaste.

·         Toothbrush.

·         Toilet paper or baby wipes.


·         One head/hand torch with spare batteries.

·         A small pocket knife.

Remember to check with your doctor for any specific medical advice and prescriptions before the trip. Safe travels!

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