Battle of wareo

Australian and New Guinea History – 1943 : Unveiling the Valour at the Battle of Wareo


Embarking on the historic Kokoda Track, trekkers immerse themselves in the tales of courage, sacrifice, and resilience that define the Australian military history during World War II. Among the pivotal events is the Battle of Wareo, a chapter etched into the rugged landscapes of Papua New Guinea. This article unfolds the narrative of the Wareo conflict, its connection to the Kokoda Campaign, and the profound impact it had on the course of history.

Background: The Kokoda Campaign

Trekking along the Kokoda Track, one can’t help but be captivated by the historical echoes of the Kokoda Campaign. In 1942, Australian forces engaged in a grueling struggle against the Japanese in the treacherous Owen Stanley mountain range. Fast forward to 1943, and the focus shifted to the Finschhafen area, marking the next phase of the campaign.

Prelude to Wareo: Coastal Drive and Fierce Resistance

As the coastal drive unfolded in December 1943, the 26th Infantry Brigade, comprised of valiant Australians, played a pivotal role. The lush landscapes along the coastal track bore witness to the strategic moves leading up to the Battle of Wareo. It was a relentless hike through dense jungles and along the coastal track that set the stage for the impending clash.

Wareo Emerges: December 2, 1943

On the historic date of December 2, 1943, the Australians landed, commencing their inland trek toward Wareo. The coastal drive, a critical phase in the campaign, saw the Australians pushing back Japanese forces in New Guinea. The Wareo Track became a focal point, a path fraught with challenges, and the Australians braced themselves for the pitched battle that awaited.

The Theatre of War: Wareo and Gusika

The Battle of Wareo unfolded in the Huon Peninsula, a theatre where Australian and Japanese forces clashed in a struggle for supremacy. The significance of Wareo and Gusika emerged as these locations became battlegrounds, etching their place in the annals of the Huon Peninsula Campaign of World War II.

Tactics and Terrain: Kunai Grass, Dense Jungle, and Fortifications

As the Australians advanced northwards, navigating through kunai grass and dense jungles, they encountered formidable Japanese fortifications. The terrain, challenging and unpredictable, witnessed pitched battles where every metre gained or lost was a testament to the tenacity of those who fought. Wareo, nestled along a high spur, became a strategic fortification point, intensifying the conflict.

Tanks and Artillery: The Unseen Forces

The Battle of Wareo was not merely a clash of infantry; it saw the deployment of tanks and artillery, changing the dynamics of the conflict. Two tanks, part of the 2 Troop, provided crucial tank support along the Wareo Track. The coastal drive, previously forced back, now saw a renewal of the Australian attack with limited artillery support.

The Climactic Moments: December 8, 1943

On December 8, 1943, the climactic phase of the Battle of Wareo unfolded. Australians, ordered to move back, were relieved by the 20th Brigade as they sought to renew the assault. The capture of Sattelberg, a strategic objective, was intertwined with the events at Wareo, marking a turning point in the broader campaign.

Aftermath: Casualties, Counter-Attacks, and the Month-Long Struggle

Wareo was not without its toll on both sides. Casualty clearing stations were set up as the Australians faced the aftermath of the pitched battle. The month-long struggle saw counter-attacks, relentless patrols, and a continuous ebb and flow along the Wareo Track. The Australians, resolute in their pursuit, were determined to secure the region.

Legacy: The Wareo Track Today

As trekkers traverse the Wareo Track today, they walk in the footsteps of the brave souls who fought along this historic path. The remnants of the Wareo battlefield are a testament to the sacrifices made by the Australians and their enduring legacy in shaping the course of history.


The Battle of Wareo stands as a poignant chapter along the Kokoda Track, a testament to the unwavering spirit of the Australians who traversed inhospitable terrains and faced formidable adversaries. The dense jungles, kunai grass, and fortifications witnessed a clash that resonates through time, inviting modern-day trekkers to reflect on the valor that unfolded in the Huon Peninsula Campaign of World War II.


Q: What is the significance of the Battle of Wareo in Australian and New Guinea History – 1943?

A: The Battle of Wareo was a significant battle fought by the Australian and Japanese forces in New Guinea during the Huon Peninsula campaign in December 1943.

Q: Who were the key participants in the Battle of Wareo?

A: The battle was fought by the 24th and 26th Brigades of the 9th Division, which included Australian and New Guinean soldiers, as well as Japanese forces.

Q: When did the Battle of Wareo take place?

A: The battle took place between 2nd and 8th December 1943.

Q: What were the key geographical locations involved in the Battle of Wareo?

A: The battle took place north of Sattelberg, towards Wareo, and along the track from Kiligia and Wareo in New Britain.

Q: What was the role of the South Wales Lancers in the Battle of Wareo?

A: The South Wales Lancers were involved in the battle and are commemorated at the South Wales Lancers Memorial Museum.

Q: How did the Australian forces approach the Battle of Wareo?

A: The Australians had landed and advanced towards Wareo from the beachhead, fighting their way through difficult terrain.

Q: What was the outcome of the Battle of Wareo?

A: The battle resulted in the Australian forces successfully gaining ground and pushing the Japanese forces back.

Q: What was the significance of the Battle of Wareo in the overall campaign in New Guinea?

A: The Battle of Wareo was a crucial part of the Huon Peninsula campaign, contributing to the eventual success of the Allied forces in the region.

Q: What challenges did the soldiers face during the Battle of Wareo?

A: The soldiers had to navigate difficult terrain, including steep hills and dense jungle, while facing fierce resistance from the Japanese forces.

Q: How was the Battle of Wareo commemorated by the Australian military?

A: The soldiers who participated in the battle were awarded battle honours, and the bravery and sacrifice of all participants were acknowledged and remembered.

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