battle of the komiatum track

Unveiling the Australian Battle of the Komiatum Track and Komiatum Ridge


The Kokoda Track stands as a testament to the courage and sacrifice of those who traversed its challenging terrain during the Kokoda Campaign in Papua New Guinea. Among the crucial battles that unfolded in this region, the “Battle of the Komiatum Track” holds a significant place in the annals of wartime history. In August 1943, Australian forces engaged in a fierce conflict along the Komiatum Track, facing formidable Japanese positions and enduring the hardships of dense jungle warfare.

Setting the Stage: Komiatum Ridge and Mount Tambu

The Komiatum Track, flanked by the imposing Komiatum Ridge and Mount Tambu, became the theater for this intense battle. The 42nd Battalion, a vital Australian unit, found itself at the forefront, tasked with defending against Japanese forces advancing from the Salamaua area. As the Australians set out to secure the region, they encountered challenging terrain and determined enemy resistance.

The Buildup: Australian Reinforcements and Japanese Counter-Attack

In August 1943, reinforcements arrived to bolster the Australian ranks, bringing with them a renewed determination to repel the Japanese forces. Along the Komiatum Track, the 42nd Battalion prepared for a counter-attack against the entrenched Japanese positions. The Australian strategy aimed at regaining control and safeguarding crucial supply lines in the Salamaua area.

The Clash: Assault on Komiatum Ridge

The assault on Komiatum Ridge was a pivotal moment in the battle. Australian troops, navigating the difficult terrain, engaged in fierce combat to dislodge the Japanese from their strategic positions. The dense jungle and rugged landscape added layers of complexity to the confrontation, testing the mettle of both the 42nd Battalion and the Japanese defenders.

Tactical Maneuvers: Bobdubi Ridge and Flank Defence

As the battle unfolded, both sides engaged in strategic maneuvers. The Australians, aware of the Japanese presence on Komiatum Ridge, executed flank defenses along Davidson Ridge and Bobdubi. This intricate dance of tactics showcased the importance of understanding the landscape and adapting to the challenges posed by the enemy.

The Turning Point: Withdrawal and Encirclement

Amidst the intense fighting, the Australians faced the harsh reality of warfare in the jungles of Papua New Guinea. The need for withdrawal became apparent, and as they navigated the Komiatum Track, they found themselves at risk of encirclement. The Japanese, seizing the opportunity, attempted to tighten the noose around the retreating Australians.

Salvaging Victory: Repulse at Charlie Hill

In the face of encirclement, the Australians, led by Brigadier Moten, managed to repulse the Japanese forces at Charlie Hill. This pivotal moment prevented complete encirclement and showcased the resilience of the Australian forces in the rugged terrain of the Komiatum Track.

Aftermath and Legacy: Impact on the Kokoda Campaign

The Battle of the Komiatum Track, although challenging and costly, had a profound impact on the broader Kokoda Campaign. The Australians, by holding their ground and repelling the Japanese, contributed to the overall success of the campaign and safeguarded crucial supply routes.


The Komiatum Track, with its Komiatum Ridge and Mount Tambu, stands as a testament to the valor displayed by Australian forces during the Kokoda Campaign. The battle along this challenging terrain in Papua New Guinea exemplifies the hardships faced by those who undertook the trekking journey. As we trace the footsteps of history along the Kokoda Track, let us pay homage to the bravery of those who fought on the Komiatum Track, ensuring that their sacrifices are never forgotten.

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